Tuesday, February 9, 2010

our first saturday crochet class

what a lovely class!! it went really smoothly and was quite pleasant. everyone learned how to chain stitch with the hook, and some started on single crochet. it went by very quickly. by the end of next class, everyone should know single crochet, and be able to practice it at home. practice is the key to making the most of crochet classes. dont waste the class practicing! practice at home so you can use the class to learn the next thing....have a great week!
oh, a note about mondays painting class.. i will no longer be letting students rush through more than one painting per class.... we will now be giving extra attention to a fuller development of each painting. Come on kids, whats the point of painting three messy paintings per class and getting no help from the teacher? I am here to help, take advantage of it!

Friday, February 5, 2010

here is one more awesome drawing. I'm not sure what these creatures are..we couldn't figure it out...but they sure were cute!
I forgot to take photos of the other drawings..still getting used to having a blog!

I have exciting news!! Humblebee Art Classes are now at TWO NEW LOCATIONS: St. Timothy's and Henderson Mill Elementary!! I have been trying half-heartedly to get into another elementary school for years and years. Its amazing what will happen if you actually put some time and energy into it. I am particularly excited about Henderson Mill, because this is Mrs. Kramer's other school. We will be working in the same room in both locations! She is very generous, kind, and supportive of me, and its very nice to be able to share her room.
More news: Humblebee Portfolio Folders have arrived, and I have distributed them to most students. I ran short at school, so will bring more in Monday if you still did not receive one.
Also, we now have a Saturday crochet/knitting class at my house. It begins this Saturday...
Here are a few of the lovely drawings we did this week....