Tuesday, August 10, 2010

after school art class registration

Registration day went really well. I had friends and family helping me out and they did a better job then me, I must say!! Thank you mom and Michelle and Denise!! I have many new sign-ups, and one new school! Yay Shamrock!!! I am so excited to start this new school year. I still have many new sign-ups coming through the mail, so the classes will be filling up soon. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT CLASS WILL NOT BE STARTING FOR A COUPLE MORE WEEKS. I will email all of my new students as soon as I know when. We are waiting for the paperwork to go through district. Also, I like to give everyone, including myself, a little time to settle in to their new schedules. I have a daughter starting sixth grade in Shamrock this year and I am more nervous than her!
So as of now I have two class days available in each school. Please contact me via email or phone with any questions. And please scan down the whole history of our blog to see examples of last years work. I will be posting new pictures when the classes begin. Happy new school year!!