Tuesday, August 10, 2010

after school art class registration

Registration day went really well. I had friends and family helping me out and they did a better job then me, I must say!! Thank you mom and Michelle and Denise!! I have many new sign-ups, and one new school! Yay Shamrock!!! I am so excited to start this new school year. I still have many new sign-ups coming through the mail, so the classes will be filling up soon. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT CLASS WILL NOT BE STARTING FOR A COUPLE MORE WEEKS. I will email all of my new students as soon as I know when. We are waiting for the paperwork to go through district. Also, I like to give everyone, including myself, a little time to settle in to their new schedules. I have a daughter starting sixth grade in Shamrock this year and I am more nervous than her!
So as of now I have two class days available in each school. Please contact me via email or phone with any questions. And please scan down the whole history of our blog to see examples of last years work. I will be posting new pictures when the classes begin. Happy new school year!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A description of the Drawing Classes

This is a step by step drawing class. An appropriate picture is chosen based on student skill and interest, and broken down into parts. For a warm-up the students practice drawing the individual parts. Then the teacher will draw the picture step by step, explaining in detail each part, while the students follow along. The finished drawings are colored with water soluble crayons, then brushed with water, turning the crayon into paint. It creates a wonderful mixed media effect. This method is an excellent way to build both confidence and skills. The method itself is not creative, but enables the foundation for creativity. Students leave these lessons with a feeling of pride and confidence, building their identity as an artist. Parents will be impressed with the resulting artwork.

After School Art Classes!!!!

Unbelievably, summer camp has ended! We had an awesome summer full of cool new art projects. Now its time for after school classes....I am excited to have my classes in FOUR schools this year! We are now in Briarlake, Henderson Mill, SHAMROCK MIDDLE!!, and St. Timothy's! The program is finally growing up!
At first we will only offer drawing classes, as I am currently the only working teacher and can only be in one place at a time....However we may be adding a new fresh teacher in the near future......
I will offer a description of the drawing class here so I can save paper and refer interested students to my blog for info....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

summer camp: week four

summer camp is passing by quickly. we are making lots of cool stuff and having great art shows on fridays. last week the kids made linzer tortes (sp?) in the shape of animals and stars. this week we may make cowboy cookies. we are also doing really involved complicated drawings this summer. They are turning out sooo nice. Please parents frame them. use a coupon for michaels.... They are a standard size. This week we are sewing lots of monsters and crocheting produce bags. Here is a pic of me and Casey hangin out in camp.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Humblebee Summer Camp 2010!!!

We got off to a great start! Just finishing our second week of art camp. These kids were great! They even made up their own 'song' to perform at the art show today. It's gonna be great! here are some pics of the things they worked on this week.

Friday, March 5, 2010

more awesome artwork from Briarlake!

artistic sisters!!

some recent work, this is from briarlake painting class

go brittany!!

lots of updates.....

so its been a while since I have posted....im finding i am best at teaching, not so good at business running, financial handling, and now blogging is added to the ever increasing list. ok, so to give myself a break, i am improving A LOT at business-running. putting out this effort alone is improvement itself, right. ok, blah blah, so updates. started a rocking crochet class at my house...did i post that yet? well this time i have a picture to go with it. its been a whole session, by tomorrow, but here is my pic. its casey, longtime student of nearly every class i offer, she rocks! i only wonder whati will do without her next year when she goes to middle school. wahwahaha!!! anyway, crochet class rocks.
here is the big news: I HAVE HAD TWO WONDERFUL WEEKS IN MY NEW SCHOOL: HENDERSON MILL ELEM. !!! I am sooooooo excited. after only one week a second class had to be added. wow. after all these years of teaching just at one school, i am finally at another school too. and the kids are great, and the classroom is great. parents are super supportive too. thanks hms parents!!!! And a big thanks to Dr. Jackson. Its because of her that all this is possible. dont have pics yet of hms but watch for them soon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

our first saturday crochet class

what a lovely class!! it went really smoothly and was quite pleasant. everyone learned how to chain stitch with the hook, and some started on single crochet. it went by very quickly. by the end of next class, everyone should know single crochet, and be able to practice it at home. practice is the key to making the most of crochet classes. dont waste the class practicing! practice at home so you can use the class to learn the next thing....have a great week!
oh, a note about mondays painting class.. i will no longer be letting students rush through more than one painting per class.... we will now be giving extra attention to a fuller development of each painting. Come on kids, whats the point of painting three messy paintings per class and getting no help from the teacher? I am here to help, take advantage of it!

Friday, February 5, 2010

here is one more awesome drawing. I'm not sure what these creatures are..we couldn't figure it out...but they sure were cute!
I forgot to take photos of the other drawings..still getting used to having a blog!

I have exciting news!! Humblebee Art Classes are now at TWO NEW LOCATIONS: St. Timothy's and Henderson Mill Elementary!! I have been trying half-heartedly to get into another elementary school for years and years. Its amazing what will happen if you actually put some time and energy into it. I am particularly excited about Henderson Mill, because this is Mrs. Kramer's other school. We will be working in the same room in both locations! She is very generous, kind, and supportive of me, and its very nice to be able to share her room.
More news: Humblebee Portfolio Folders have arrived, and I have distributed them to most students. I ran short at school, so will bring more in Monday if you still did not receive one.
Also, we now have a Saturday crochet/knitting class at my house. It begins this Saturday...
Here are a few of the lovely drawings we did this week....

Thursday, January 28, 2010

2nd day of the blog

ok, so I realized that I need to get permission to post photos of kids in my class. I a sending out a permission slip today announcing the blog address. I love the blog so far. I am working on adding a Saturday crochet class at my home right now. I am also working on getting my program into one more elementary school. I also have plans to check Tucker and Decatur Recreation Center about having classes there. I am excited about revamping my program! My mother is now my administrative assistant. Welcome to the company mom! I am lucky to have her, she was an Administrative Assistant in Wealth Management in a bank for many years. Luckily for me she has retired and giving me an expert hand, which I desperately need! Thanks everyone for your ongoing support of our classes. I hope you enjoy the new changes!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This came from my awesome Tuesday drawing class at Briarlake.
Ok, hello! Welcome to my new blog. I am starting this for my art classes. I would like to post weekly comments and updates about the happenings in my classes. I would like all of my class members to follow the blog if they can to keep updated about what is going on in our classes. I will also post photos of kids and their artwork.